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Barents Sea. Daily diving

Barents Sea. Daily diving«Where did you vacation this summer?» — «OOOOO, I was on the ocean coast … of the Arctic» !!! This is how you can answer after our trip!

Almost Norway, only in Russian. Small islands, dwarf birches, white moss, juniper and cloudberries! And what sunsets and sunrises! Of course, everything depends on the weather, and yet the beauty of these places and the remoteness from civilization will give you an unforgettable experience.

During our trip, you will dive along the picturesque walls covered with sea anemones, as well as sunken objects.

If the Barents Sea. Daily diving will be lucky, then we will be able to watch the mostBarents Sea. Daily diving predatory whale (dolphin) in the world — Killer Whale! But only on the surface during our boat trip.

Another amazing inhabitants of these places are gray seals. On the one hand, they are very shy, but on the other hand, they are curious. We do not promise anything, but it is quite possible to see these cute mammals.

Colorful sponges, sea urchins (quite edible), fish, crabs and of course scallops! In a word, there is something to see and something to eat.

Macro lovers will be pleased with different types of nudibranchs, zooplankton, as well as the opportunity to find the «sea angel»

Barents Sea. Daily divingFor those who do not dive, there is also something to do here. Fishing, walking around the islands, watching the bird colony. For all participants of our program, we included a boat trip to Cape Pikshuev and the Oberhof base, where the German stronghold was located during the Second World War. It was here that fierce battles for the Arctic took place in September 1942.

In the evening, a real Russian bath awaits everyone! This is a great way to relax after physical activity in the fresh air!

Our program is suitable for divers of all levels. Different depths, moderate currents and good visibility and illumination make it possible for everyone to dive quite comfortably. But .., the water temperature is +6 +8 C even in summer, so we strongly recommend using a dry suit. During our trip, you can also take courses in the following specialties:

  • PPB
  • Deep Diver
  • Dry Suit Diver
  • As well as the Advanced Diver course

Program cost:

for certified divers from 49 900 rubles 

for non-divers — from 40,900 rubles

Included in cost:

Transfer Airport-Base-Airport
accommodation on base in quadruple room 5 nights
3 meals a day
4 days Daily — Diving — 2 dives per day (last day — 1 dive), 12 liter cylinders, cargo, dive guide services
Excursion by sea to Cape Pikshuev and Oberhof
Hiking tour to the mountain lake

Additionally paid:

Flight: St. Petersburg — Murmansk — St. Petersburg (approximately 15,000 rubles round trip / return with luggage)
Diving equipment rental
Fishing (river, sea)
Diving courses

The cost of special courses, including a textbook in the specialty and a certificate

PPB — 9 500 rubles (Including 4 lessons in the pool in St. Petersburg)
Deep Diver — 10,000 rubles
Advanced Diver — 11,000 rubles.
Dry Suit Diver — 10,000 rubles.

Those wishing to take the course must inform about it in advance, no later than 2 weeks before the start of the trip.

Documents and information required for booking:

Copy of the passport
Certificate number, qualification and training organization (PADI, CMAS, SSI, etc.) or a copy
Number of logged open water dives, maximum dive depth, date of last dive
Booking conditions — 30% prepayment.

Interesting and safe diving!



Требование к участникам




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