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Romance of the North. White and Barents Sea

The discreet beauty of the Russian north, quiet places untouched by civilization, the coolness of the passing summer… During our trip, we will visit two wonderful coasts and plunge into the world of cold beauty. This is how you can call the underwater world of the White and Barents Seas. Despite the close location, these seas are not similar to each other.

IMG_6797 copy(1)The White Sea is an inland sea in the north of the European part of Russia. Among the seas washing Russia, the White Sea is one of the smallest. Not too deep (average 67 m), not very salty due to the large influx of river waters (the rivers Northern Dvina, Onega and Mezen flow into it). In addition, it is the only freezing sea in Europe.

IMG_6808 copy(1)Under the water you will find real sea anemone gardens, starfish of various shapes, thickets of kelp. You can also get acquainted with catfish and such amazing creatures as «angelfish» and «monkfish», although it is not easy to see them. In spring, you can also meet seals here, which get out on the ice floes to soak up the spring sun.

Our first part of the trip will take place in the Polar Circle dive center, which is famous for its hospitality, comfortable conditions and a high level of diving organization. Here you can also visit the biological station, go fishing …

IMG_9006(1)Our path will continue further north, to the Zelentsy dive center, located on the shores of the Barents Sea. This is a wonderful sea with a stormy character, which is a consequence of the influence of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Deep (average depth 220 m) and rather cold (in summer the water does not warm up above 8°C).

IMG_9271(1)The emerald waters of the Barents Sea are rich in various fish species (114 species), among which there are commercial ones — cod, herring, sea bass, flounder, halibut and catfish. The bottom is dotted with sea urchins and multicolored stars, the rocky walls are covered with amazingly beautiful sea anemones, sea squirts and sponges.

IMG_8838Off the south coast, where we will be, seaweed forms whole thickets. In the 20th century, in the village of Dalnie Zelentsy, an experiment was carried out on the breeding of king crab, which managed to adapt and has been living in the waters of the Barents Sea since then. There is another delicacy here — scallop.


In addition to diving, we are waiting for boat trips around the islands, fishing and endlessly beautiful sunsets…

In short, you won’t be bored. And having been here once, you will certainly want to repeat your trip.

The duration of our program is 8 days, including all our transfers. Throughout the program you will be accompanied by experienced dive center guides and of course our instructor.

According to the underwater program, it is possible to make 2 dives per day, if desired and depending on weather conditions, take an additional third.

Since both seas are quite cool, the recommended equipment is a dry suit and a cold water regulator (at depth the temperature can reach up to 2-3°C).

We wish you a good rest, interesting and safe diving!



Day 1


Transfer to Chupa and DCMeeting at the Ladoga railway station. Boarding the train, proceed to the railway station Chupa. Transver Chupa- DC
Day 2


White Sea


Arrival at DC. Accommodation in rooms. Rest. Breakfast. 1st dive, lunch. 2nd dive

Rest. Bath. Dinner

Day 3


White Sea


Завтрак. 1-е погружение, обед. 2-е погружение

Отдых. Баня. Ужин

Day 4


White Sea


Transfer to Murmansk

Breakfast. 1st dive, lunch. 2nd dive

Rest. Bath. Dinner.

Transfer to Chupa. Boarding the train to Murmansk.

Day 5


Barents Sea


Arrival to Murmansk. Transfer Murmansk — DC. Settlement, rest. Sauna. Dinner
Day 6


Barents Sea


Breakfast. 1st dive, lunch. 2nd dive

Rest. Sauna. Dinner

It is possible to organize a boat trip, fishing for an additional fee

Day 7


Barents Sea


Breakfast. 1st dive, lunch. 2nd dive

Rest. Sauna. Dinner

It is possible to organize a boat trip, fishing for an additional fee

Day 8


Barents Sea


Back to St Petersburg


Breakfast. 1st dive, lunch. At 14.30 Transfer to Murmansk.

The cost of the program per person:

Railway + air return 121,000 rubles

The cost includes:

  • Accommodation in «Standard» rooms in DC
  • 3 meals a day
  • Bath / Sauna
  • railway / air tickets
  • Transfers according to the program
  • dive guide services, rental of 12l cylinders and weights

Additionally paid:

  • Diving equipment rental
  • 3-dive
  • Fishing
  • Other excursions according to the price list of dive centers.

Documents and information required for booking:

Copy of the passport

Certificate number, qualification and training organization (PADI, CMAS, SSI, etc.) or a copy

Number of logged open water dives, maximum dive depth, date of last dive

Booking conditions:

30 % advanced payment




Требование к участникам




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